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Active projects and challenges as of 26.04.2024 18:52.

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Energy Data Hackdays Challenge Nummer 2






Grüezi.AI ist eine Beispiel-App die Azure Conitive Service nutzt um - Sprache in Text umzuwandeln - Text als Sprache auszugeben

Grüezi.AI verwendet das neu allgemein verfügbare Sprachmodel für Schweizerdeutsch und die beiden neuronalen Stimmen - Leni Deutsch Schweiz weiblich - Jan Deutsch männlich


App lokal ausführen

  1. Zip File aus dem Ordner "Package" im Repository herunterladen
  2. In eine Ordner entpacken
  3. Das mit Powershell ausführen
  4. Die Meldungen mit ja bestätigen
  5. Wenn alles erfolgreich ausgeführt wurde gibt es im Startmenü eine neue App "Grüezi.AI

App aus Visual Studio


Für den Speech Service wird ein Subscription Key benötigt. Siehe Try the speech service for free. * Ein Windows PC mit Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (10.0; Build 16299) oder höher und ein funktionierendes Mikrofon. * Microsoft Visual Studio (2017, 2019, 2022), Community Edition or higher. * Mit Universal Windows Platform development Entwickliungstools in Visual Studio. * Anmerkung: ARM or ARM64 Prozessoren werden nicht unterstützt

### Erstellen der App

  • Mit dem builden der App wird das Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech SDK herunter geladen. Mit dem Herunterladen erkennen sie die Microsoft Lizenz an Speech SDK license agreement.
  • Laden Sie den Beispielcode auf Ihren Entwicklungs-PC herunter.
  • Öffnen sie die "Grueezi.AI.sln" im Ordner "Source"
  • Bearbeiten Sie den Quelltext "MainPage.xaml.cs":
    • Ersetzen Sie die Zeichenfolge YourSubscriptionKey in Zeile 32 durch Ihren eigenen Abonnementschlüssel.
    • Ersetzen Sie die Zeichenkette YourServiceRegion durch die Service-Region Ihres Abonnements. Ersetzen Sie zum Beispiel switzerlandnorth, wenn Sie das kostenlose 30-Tage-Testabonnement in der Region "Schweiz Nord" verwenden.



Translation status

Gnome Circle


(The spiritual successor to FeedReader)

Follow your favorite blogs & news sites.

NewsFlash is a program designed to complement an already existing web-based RSS reader account. It combines all the advantages of web based services like syncing across all your devices with everything you expect from a modern desktop program: Desktop notifications, fast search and filtering, tagging, handy keyboard shortcuts and having access to all your articles as long as you like.



Official package available on Flathub:

Download on Flathub

Unsupported Packages

These packages might be outdated and have issues not present in the official flatpak. Use at your own risk and verify an issue is reproducible with the flatpak before filing a report.


sudo pacman -S newsflash


nix-shell -p newsflash



Looking for service maintainers

I'm looking for people that are actively using a specific service backend of NewsFlash and are willing to maintain it. The size of the code for each service is quite managable. But keeping an eye on and testing every service can be quite challenging. So this time around I'm hoping to find at least one person per service that knows the basics of rust and uses the service on a (almost) daily basis.

Services & Maintainers:

We now have a guide and code template to get you started implementing new services.

Grab full articles

NewsFlash has a built-in content grabber that can in a lot of cases download & extract the full article from the web. This feature does not get around paywalls. It does however lessen the ad revenue of the website. So make sure to support your favorite small sites in other ways.

The grabber first checks for custom rules for the specific website and falls back to the mozilla readability algorithm if no custom rules can be found. A lot of these rules are shiped by default. But you can provide your own by dropping a text file with the domain name and .txt ending into ~/.var/app/io.gitlab.news_flash.NewsFlash/config/news-flash/ftr-site-config/. For documentation on how to write custom rules and examples go to ftr-site-config. Don't forget to upstream your new files and improvements when you're done :)


!!! This is not a supported way of installing the application for normal use. Please use flatpak for that purpose !!!

Make sure you have the development, *-dev, or *-devel, libraries of:

  • gtk4
  • webkit2gtk
  • libadwaita
  • sqlite3
  • gettext
  • openssl

Additionally the following non-devel packages are required:

  • rust
  • meson
  • xdg-utils
  • blueprint-compiler
cd news_flash_gtk
meson --prefix=/usr build
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install

Migrate from FeedReader

Although NewsFlash is the spiritual successor to FeedReader, it is a different application. There are differences and most of them are on purpose.

For services that are supported by NewsFlash as well, migration is as easy as can be: just log into your account and sync away.

Some services supported by FeedReader have not yet found their way into NewsFlash. Work for Google Reader style APIs is already on the way (The Old Reader).

For local RSS the best way is to export an OPML file from FeedReader and import it into NewsFlash. Sadly FeedReader never gained the capability to export OPML. @hfiguiere came to save the day and wrote an external tool to extract an OPML file from the FeedReader database.

Not my Daughter

PeaceTech Hackathon 2024


TFGBV tracking

A project started at the PeaceTech Hackathon at EPFL (March 2024) to support humanitarian work in witnessing and monitoring how armed actors may use technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV).

First principles

Women shall be especially protected against any attack on their honour, in particular against rape, enforced prostitution, or any form of indecent assault. -- (Article 27 of the Geneva Convention)

Humanity and Impartiality are substantive principles, the ‘goals’ of humanitarian action. Neutrality and Independence are operational principles, ‘tools’ for humanitarian actors. Finally, Voluntary service, Unity and Universality are organizational principles; they provide the institutional foundations that enable a principled humanitarian action. -- (Fundamental principles of the ICRC)

See CHALLENGE for more background.

The following Prototypes were developed at the hackathon:

"Not my Daugher"

An interactive story (browser based, using Twinery) - introduces our challenge in an immersive way. It was written with the help of an open source LLM derived from Llama 2 by

Data Package

Data collection (using the Baserow platform) was done at the hackathon from several public data sources, in order to create an overview of regions of ongoing armed conflict, and some of the types of technologies being used to perpetrate TFGBV. In addition to our initial outputs, we propose a data SCRAPING approach to broaden this effort.

Example CASES

Using an increasingly established typology of TFGBV from scientific literature, and exemplary anonymized case studies from human rights organizations, we can pool data together in a coherent way from relevant journalistic reports, research data, and legal proceedings. We propose to prototype this in Python within a Jupyter notebook, with NLM or LLM that can be trained on plaintext files to help with classification. As an example, we provide this in CASES.txt.


Browse the Fediverse


A tuba in the style of GNOME icons


Browse the Fediverse

Contributor Covenant v2.1 License GPL-3.0 GitHub CI Status Please do not theme this app

Screenshot of the Tuba app in light and mobile view. The current view is the main one on the 'Home' tab. The 'Notifications' tab has the number 15 in an accent-colored bubble. There are 3 posts visible by BASIL, AUBREY and HERO (only the boost tag) showcasing some of Tuba's features: 1. Image attachments, 2. custom emojis, 3. content warnings, 4. reboosts, 5. notification badges, indicators, 7. post actions.




Download on Flathub


Flatpak Snap
x86_64 x86_64
aarch64 aarch64

Third Party

A vertical list with the title 'Packaging status'. On the left side there's repos and on the right side there's the packaged version of Tuba.

From Source


Package Name Required Version
meson 0.56
valac 0.48
libjson-glib-dev 1.4.4
libxml2-dev 2.9.10
libgee-0.8-dev 0.8.5
libsoup3.0-dev 3.0.0
libadwaita-1.0-dev 1.5
libsecret-1-dev 0.20


$ make
$ make install

GNOME Builder

  • Clone
  • Open in GNOME Builder


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Translation status


  1. Read the Code of Conduct
  2. Fork it ( )
  3. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  6. Create a new Pull Request





A template for kick starting a Rust and WebAssembly project using wasm-pack.

Build Status

Tutorial | Chat

Built with 🦀🕸 by The Rust and WebAssembly Working Group


📚 Read this template tutorial! 📚

This template is designed for compiling Rust libraries into WebAssembly and publishing the resulting package to NPM.

Be sure to check out other wasm-pack tutorials online for other templates and usages of wasm-pack.

🚴 Usage

🐑 Use cargo generate to Clone this Template

Learn more about cargo generate here.

cargo generate --git --name my-project
cd my-project

🛠️ Build with wasm-pack build

wasm-pack build

🔬 Test in Headless Browsers with wasm-pack test

wasm-pack test --headless --firefox

🎁 Publish to NPM with wasm-pack publish

wasm-pack publish

🔋 Batteries Included

  • wasm-bindgen for communicating between WebAssembly and JavaScript.
  • console_error_panic_hook for logging panic messages to the developer console.
  • wee_alloc, an allocator optimized for small code size.
  • LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT: most Rust projects are licensed this way, so these are included for you


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.