Challenge Project


Translation status

Gnome Circle


(The spiritual successor to FeedReader)

Follow your favorite blogs & news sites.

NewsFlash is a program designed to complement an already existing web-based RSS reader account. It combines all the advantages of web based services like syncing across all your devices with everything you expect from a modern desktop program: Desktop notifications, fast search and filtering, tagging, handy keyboard shortcuts and having access to all your articles as long as you like.



Official package available on Flathub:

Download on Flathub

Unsupported Packages

These packages might be outdated and have issues not present in the official flatpak. Use at your own risk and verify an issue is reproducible with the flatpak before filing a report.


sudo pacman -S newsflash


nix-shell -p newsflash



Looking for service maintainers

I'm looking for people that are actively using a specific service backend of NewsFlash and are willing to maintain it. The size of the code for each service is quite managable. But keeping an eye on and testing every service can be quite challenging. So this time around I'm hoping to find at least one person per service that knows the basics of rust and uses the service on a (almost) daily basis.

Services & Maintainers:

We now have a guide and code template to get you started implementing new services.

Grab full articles

NewsFlash has a built-in content grabber that can in a lot of cases download & extract the full article from the web. This feature does not get around paywalls. It does however lessen the ad revenue of the website. So make sure to support your favorite small sites in other ways.

The grabber first checks for custom rules for the specific website and falls back to the mozilla readability algorithm if no custom rules can be found. A lot of these rules are shiped by default. But you can provide your own by dropping a text file with the domain name and .txt ending into ~/.var/app/io.gitlab.news_flash.NewsFlash/config/news-flash/ftr-site-config/. For documentation on how to write custom rules and examples go to ftr-site-config. Don't forget to upstream your new files and improvements when you're done :)


!!! This is not a supported way of installing the application for normal use. Please use flatpak for that purpose !!!

Make sure you have the development, *-dev, or *-devel, libraries of:

  • gtk4
  • webkit2gtk
  • libadwaita
  • sqlite3
  • gettext
  • openssl

Additionally the following non-devel packages are required:

  • rust
  • meson
  • xdg-utils
  • blueprint-compiler
cd news_flash_gtk
meson --prefix=/usr build
ninja -C build
sudo ninja -C build install

Migrate from FeedReader

Although NewsFlash is the spiritual successor to FeedReader, it is a different application. There are differences and most of them are on purpose.

For services that are supported by NewsFlash as well, migration is as easy as can be: just log into your account and sync away.

Some services supported by FeedReader have not yet found their way into NewsFlash. Work for Google Reader style APIs is already on the way (The Old Reader).

For local RSS the best way is to export an OPML file from FeedReader and import it into NewsFlash. Sadly FeedReader never gained the capability to export OPML. @hfiguiere came to save the day and wrote an external tool to extract an OPML file from the FeedReader database.

This content is a preview from an external site.
29.11.2023 10:27 ~ loleg


Repository updated

29.11.2023 10:26 ~ loleg

Joined the team

29.11.2023 10:26 ~ loleg

First post View challenge

29.11.2023 10:26 ~ loleg

Merge branch 'weblate-newsflash-newsflashgtk' into 'master'

Translations update from Hosted Weblate

See merge request news-flash/newsflashgtk!187 (@Jan Lukas Gernert)

Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))

Currently translated at 47.8% (284 of 593 strings)

Translation: NewsFlash/newsflashgtk Translate-URL: (@刘召)

Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)

Currently translated at 53.4% (317 of 593 strings)

Translation: NewsFlash/newsflashgtk Translate-URL: (@Ashen Zero)

Translated using Weblate (French)

Currently translated at 100.0% (593 of 593 strings)

Translation: NewsFlash/newsflashgtk Translate-URL: (@Mathieu B)

Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)

Currently translated at 53.4% (317 of 593 strings)

Translation: NewsFlash/newsflashgtk Translate-URL: (@Edwin Takazaki)

Merge branch 'readme-changes' into 'master'


See merge request news-flash/newsflashgtk!186 (@Jan Lukas Gernert)

Merge branch 'salarua-master-patch-47570' into 'master'

fix typo

See merge request news-flash/newsflashgtk!188 (@Jan Lukas Gernert)

fix typo (@salarua)


  • Change compiling instructions (@kosmosghost)


  • Changed so that it is up to date with compilation instructions. (@kosmosghost)

Merge branch 'weblate-newsflash-newsflashgtk' into 'master'

Translations update from Hosted Weblate

See merge request news-flash/newsflashgtk!184 (@Jan Lukas Gernert)

Translated using Weblate (German)

Currently translated at 94.0% (558 of 593 strings)

Translation: NewsFlash/newsflashgtk Translate-URL: (@Sebin Nyshkim)

Merge branch 'fix-appstreamcli' into 'master'

Appdata related patches

See merge request news-flash/newsflashgtk!185 (@Jan Lukas Gernert)

appdata: Fix release-description-outside-tag error

"The release description must be put inside a description tag" (@Sabri Ünal)

appdata: Use appstreamcli for appdata validation

appstream-util is obsoleted by appstreamcli. (@Sabri Ünal)

Merge branch 'weblate-newsflash-newsflashgtk' into 'master'

Translations update from Hosted Weblate

See merge request news-flash/newsflashgtk!183 (@Jan Lukas Gernert)

Translated using Weblate (Dutch)

Currently translated at 100.0% (593 of 593 strings)

Translation: NewsFlash/newsflashgtk Translate-URL: (@Gert-dev)

fmt (@Jan Lukas Gernert)

remove warn because of changed list behavior (@Jan Lukas Gernert)

clear list on mark all as read (@Jan Lukas Gernert)


Event started

Contributed 5 months ago by loleg for Sandbox
All attendees, sponsors, partners, volunteers and staff at our hackathon are required to agree with the Hack Code of Conduct. Organisers will enforce this code throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to ensure a safe environment for everybody.

Creative Commons LicenceThe contents of this website, unless otherwise stated, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.